Parents + Children
On this page you will find a variety of informtion that pertains to Parents and Children class. Please be aware of due dates and important permission slips that will be needed to participate in activities in this class.

letter_to_parents_about_class.docx | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
File Type: | docx |

syllabus_parents_and_children_-_2013-14.docx | |
File Size: | 45 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Birth Defect blog article
I recently came across this article on my facebook and felt it relates very well to our current class discussion on birth defects. Read at your leisure.
I recently came across this article on my facebook and felt it relates very well to our current class discussion on birth defects. Read at your leisure.
Resources for Birth Defect Research paper
Discipline for Young Children
Read the article and write down your answers to the review questions on a separate piece of paper and turn in to the teacher.
Read the article and write down your answers to the review questions on a separate piece of paper and turn in to the teacher.

discipline_for_young_children_-_handout_and_review.pdf | |
File Size: | 919 kb |
File Type: |
One Mother's Story about Postpartum Depression
Read the attached story then answer the following questions in a Google Doc and share with me.
1. What are some clues (symptoms) that would lead you to believe that this is postpartum depression?
2. This marriage did not survive the postpartum depression. What could a father do to assist in helping a new mother who suffers from postpartum depression?
3. Every year, many women suffer postpartum depression. Some infants are affected by the physical effects such as shaking, abuse, and at worst, death. In this case, the child was ignored and neglected. How can emotional abuse affect a child as he/she grows up?
4. Think about this particular mother’s story and others that you may have read or heard about. How does society view a mother who harms or even kills her child while suffering from postpartum depression?
5. What do you think the mother means by her statement that “Things have changed and I am here today to be the best mother I can be?”
Read the attached story then answer the following questions in a Google Doc and share with me.
1. What are some clues (symptoms) that would lead you to believe that this is postpartum depression?
2. This marriage did not survive the postpartum depression. What could a father do to assist in helping a new mother who suffers from postpartum depression?
3. Every year, many women suffer postpartum depression. Some infants are affected by the physical effects such as shaking, abuse, and at worst, death. In this case, the child was ignored and neglected. How can emotional abuse affect a child as he/she grows up?
4. Think about this particular mother’s story and others that you may have read or heard about. How does society view a mother who harms or even kills her child while suffering from postpartum depression?
5. What do you think the mother means by her statement that “Things have changed and I am here today to be the best mother I can be?”

one_mothers_story_of_postpartum_depression.pdf | |
File Size: | 64 kb |
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Students are to be compiling all information, worksheets, notes, handouts, quizzes and other information in a three-ring binder to create a baby book. Students are encouraged to keep everything and keep things organized. This will be a project that is on-going throughout the semester. See the baby book project document below for more information.
Students are to be compiling all information, worksheets, notes, handouts, quizzes and other information in a three-ring binder to create a baby book. Students are encouraged to keep everything and keep things organized. This will be a project that is on-going throughout the semester. See the baby book project document below for more information.

baby_book_project.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Life's Greatest Miracle
Clink on the link below to watch PBS's "Life's Greatest Miracle". This will be viewed in class on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7. Students are required to take notes. If a student is absent during class these two days, it is their responsibility to watch this on their own time.
Life's Greatest Miracle
Clink on the link below to watch PBS's "Life's Greatest Miracle". This will be viewed in class on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7. Students are required to take notes. If a student is absent during class these two days, it is their responsibility to watch this on their own time.
Life's Greatest Miracle
SIDS Course
Click the following link to take the SIDS Course for Childcare Providers. Follow directions provided in class for registration.
Click the following link to take the SIDS Course for Childcare Providers. Follow directions provided in class for registration.
Parent Permission slips
Students are required to turn in permission slips for various activities and experiences for the Parents and Children class. See the attached information letters, permission slips and due dates below.

parent_guardian_permission_form.pdf | |
File Size: | 64 kb |
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